Wow Where did I go

So I am back after WAY WAY longer than I ever expected to ever be gone. And Ill be honest I thought about abandoning this whole undertaking for a while. But decided not to.

The big reason behind my hiatus was school I spent a lot of the time after my last post preping for my graduation which was stressful and overwhelming. But also with work, I have taken on some new and exciting responsibilities that take more of my time. So now that I am aclimated to the new work stuff and am done with school I am back like “A Bat out of Hell”  as meatloaf would say.

I have also made some decisions about my content. While this blog will continue to focus primarily focus on FREE, Indie, and Creative Commons music. I will begin including some commercial music that I feel fits. For instance, right now I am listening to the new album from Lita Ford the 80’s rock goddess and the object of many a young man’s fantasy back in the day. When I have adaquitly formed an opinion on the album Ill post it. It might not be indie or free or what ever but it is a musical piece of work which I am reviewing anyway so why not let you know what I think.

Stay Tuned for the Lita review…. and a Review of the new one from Josh Woodward.